About Us

The company which is known to its users as Ace Software Sdn Bhd (Previously known as Business System Development Sdn Bhd) is a software house and was incorporated on 19th March, 1986. The principle shareholder of this company is a software specialist who has been involved in the design and development of application software for many years.
Ace Software with its team of systems analysts and programmers, specialises in the development of accounting application systems and the library of programs available now is extensive.
Ace Software with its team of systems analysts and programmers, specialises in the development of accounting application systems and the library of programs available now is extensive.
The principle objectives of the company are :-
The principle objectives of the company are :-
To develop accounting and other software for various types of industries using computers as the main medium of data processing.
To develop software that are efficient (fast and reliable), feasible (practical to use) and easy to use (user-friendly features).
Once completed on micro computers, the software features are to be regularly improved upon based on feedback from existing users and are to be converted to run on even bigger computer systems in the future.
Programs are marketed under the logo of ACE. Marketing of its products is done directly as well as indirectly through her network of dealers.